Cattle along with a few other grazers were god given a digestion system that converts grasses into there all out being, Here at B. Wessner Farms, cows are raised out in pasture and are only supplemented in the winter with small amounts of grain which leaves our animals lien but with excellent marbling. no massive amounts of fat from corn silage ever.
No factory farms or feed lot here all our animals are out on free range pasture under the most stress free environment possible. Absolutely no growth hormones or antibiotics are used on any of our beefers.
Grass Fed beef provides a healthy alternate with half the fat and cholesteral found in corn fed and high in omega 3 fats the crucial healthy fat needed in everyones diet
All our beef is sold by the 1/4 or 1/2 of steer. Final price is determined by Hanging Weight and is weighed by the butcher
The beef is humanely slaughtered by a USDA inspected facility and butchered at our farm, dry aged for 7 - 14 days, Vacuum sealed and labeled. Ground beef will be in 1 lb. tube packs (vacuum sealing of ground beef is additional $)
This is what is typically included in a half of beef:
- Chuck roast or steak
- Arm Roast
- Rib roast or ribeye steaks
- Brisket
- Short ribs
- Soup bones
- Flank
- Tri-Tip steak
- T-Bone steak or NY strip steak
- Porter house or filet mignon
- Round steak/ London broil or roast
- hamburger 1 lb packages
- cubes, stew meat, Kabobs
- Fajita/ Stir fry meat
Package quantity and thickness can be whatever you like if ordering a half, unfortunately because we are splitting a quarter with two people we select all cuts and packaging for quarters.
The final balance due will be determined after the animal is taken to the butcher. our hanging weights for a half beef is typically 300 - 400 lbs. This is important to understand as the final price is solely determined by the size of the animal and will not be determined until processing.
For example: 350 lbs hanging weight x $6.00 = $2100.00 for a half and $1093.00.00 for Quarter.
How and animal is butchered can dramatically change the final quantity of actual meat lbs you receive. For example bone in steaks or bone out changes the end weight significantly. with that being said the average finish lbs. is usually around 60 - 65% of the hanging weight. so if you have a 300 lb hanging weight you should land up with roughly 190 lbs finished beef. For a typical half of beef a 10 cubic foot freezer is usually more than adequate.
Give us a call or hit the request below, leave us your information and we will send you an order form. Send this back with your deposit and you will be put in line as we receive them. For a 1/4 we require a $300.00 deposit and for a 1/2 we require $600.00 deposit. Balance is due at pickup. If your interested don't wait as our regular yearly customers get first dibs and then we sell what is left. We typically butcher around the first of the year and our orders fill fast. We accept cash, check or credit card (CC add additional 3%fee)
This includes standard cuts and Vac sealing.
Deduct .30 cents for no wrap
18lbs Ground beef (1 lb pkgs)
12lbs assorted roasts
8lbs Burger patty's
5lbs assorted steaks
7lbs assorted cuts (short ribs, stew meat, Kabobs, fajita meat, etc.)
Note: these totals could change slightly but will add up to 50lbs
includes Vac sealed
This includes Custom cuts and Vac Sealing.
Deduct .30 Cents for no wrap
Prices subject to change, limited quantities call early